After cooking meatballs in the air fryer, I will never bake them in the oven again. The insides stay nice and tender while the outsides get a slight crisp...
Another delicious recipe my mother makes and I finally got the recipe for. Tender chicken thighs and tangy sauce are perfect served over rice. Adults and...
This is my favorite marinade after a good hunting season. The two days in the fridge really makes all the difference when dealing with fussy people who...
This chicken recipe is quick, easy, and yummy. The orange juice makes a tangy sauce that my family loves served over rice. Add a salad, and you have a...
This is one of those rare recipes where the name is the same as the ingredient list. You're going to be so shocked at how flavorful, juicy, and amazing...
Simple. Elegant. Delicious. Great recipe for very special occasions. I serve with garlic mashed potatoes (or sometimes wild rice), green beans with cherry...
Originally from my grandma's recipe box, the secret of this delectable Christmas treasure is found in the ground cloves and chicken seasoning. We've always...
This is a zippy dip that will be a real crowd pleaser. Serve with your favorite chips, pita bread or cubed bread. You may add more horseradish for more...
This could be where Sloppy Joes came from! It's a wonderful Cuban recipe that I've served like chili or over a roll or even over cornbread! Total comfort...
This is a recipe for trotters passed down over time in my family. This was made every New Year's Eve to bring in the new year. A relatively inexpensive...
My girlfriend and I are both college students so this quick and easy chicken recipe was an affordable and tasty hit at our table last night! Requiring...
This recipe using only three chicken breasts is very economical and super delicious! My kids love it and they are extremely picky. The chicken just melts...
This is a simple but delicious way to prepare chicken. Good-quality olive oil and generous amounts of salt and pepper make for a savory chicken breast...
One of my favorite flavor combinations ever! This pork dish combines the strength of garlic with the sweetness of red pepper balanced by a tangy lemon...
This is the easiest marinade I have ever used, and one of the most popular with my family. This recipe also works well with any cut of chicken--thighs,...
I learned to make this when I was vacationing in Bermuda after high school. It has been 18 years, and this is still one of our favorite dishes ever! My...
To spatchcock a chicken you need to remove the backbone of the chicken and spread it open like a book. This method for grilling a whole chicken lets the...
A simple Asian dish with a savory-sweet bite. If you don't have plum jam, you can use apricot preserves instead. Serve with baked squash and wild rice...
Homemade breakfast sausage made with ground pork and seasonings. Great cooked in crumbles for biscuits and gravy, or in patties for breakfast sandwiches...
Creamy, cheesy spaghetti baked with chicken. Comfort food to please everyone! Substitute diced zucchini, asparagus, and red and green peppers as you see...
This Chicago original is a one-pan dish that starts on the stove and finishes in the oven. It's made with browned chicken-on-the-bone pieces, baked with...
The next time rain ruins your dream of a grilled chicken dinner, I hope you fire up your broiler and give this easy, alternative method a try. Not only...